
Four Responsibilities of a Disciple

It seems everyone has a take on discipleship … what it is and what it isn’t. What if we began our understanding of discipleship from a time and a people much closer to how Jesus and the apostles understood it? What does it really mean to be a disciple of Jesus?

Contrary to what many believe and teach, when a person comes to faith in Jesus, he doesn't automatically become a fully developed disciple. The process of discipleship requires time and devotion for an individual to become a mature disciple of their Master.

Come Away My Beloved

Our sages tell us that the word Elul (the 6th Hebrew month) is an acronym for "I am my beloved and my beloved is mine" (Song of Songs 6:3). Most of the year we see God in His role as Father. Elul is when we see Him as Lover. God says to us: "Return to me. Come Away My Beloved and let us be intimate and passionate lovers once again." What are you doing to take advantage of this special season?

From Exile To Redemption

Zechariah 8:19 predicts a time that certain days will be turned from days of fasting to days of feasting and celebration. What are those days and what should we be doing on them today? Join Darren as he explores these questions and more looking at how our actions today can affect the reality of tomorrow and potentially shorten the exile and begin the final redemption. From Exile To Redemption is a call to action for disciples of Yeshua to affect the world around them.

Come And See

When Yeshua called his first disciples, he asked them, "What do you seek?" When they reply, he tells them, "Come and see." Emet HaTorah director, Darren Huckey, explores this very Jewish response of Yeshua and how he is still asking his disciples the same question today. This teaching is intended to have us zoom back out at the bigger picture of what it means to be a disciple of Yeshua and why understanding him on his terms is critical for our spiritual development.

Guarding the Matzah (Part 2 of the Passover interview with The Grafted In Perspective)

This is a teaching podcast I did with Gabriel Rutledge of The Grafted In Perspective. It's called, "Guarding the Matzah," and in it we discuss a hidden principle found within the book of Exodus that can only be seen in the Hebrew. From this lesson we learn the subtle difference between regular bread and unleavened bread (matzah) and what Yeshua would have been trying to teach his disciples when he warned them to "beware of the yeast of the Pharisees." Do we contain yeast without even realizing it? Find out more in this podcast episode, "Guarding the Matzah."

Discussing Passover with The Grafted In Perspective

The first of two audio podcasts where I am interviewed by Gabriel Rutledge of The Grafted In Perspective. We discuss the importance of Passover and the basics of how to celebrate it. How does this relate to Communion? What are we supposed to do to remember the death? How does Paul speak of Passover in relationship to sin? We try to answer these questions and more in Part 1 of our Passover discussion.

Discussing Hanukkah on The Grafted In Perspective

Here is my second intervnew by Gabriel Rutledge of The Grafted In Perspective. This interview covered my perspectives on Hanukkah for followers of Yeshua and my new devotional for Hanukkah, Eight Lights. Be sure to listen and give us some feedback!

Interview with The Grafted In Perspective on Discipleship

Our first interview with Gabriel Rutledge of The Grafted In Perspective. We cover the basics of discipleship and talk about our first book, The Four Responsibilities of a Disciple.

The Church: Its Mission and Purpose

If we take the time to look around in our churches we will quickly discover they are largely filled with people who we call “believers” — those who have accepted the Gospel of Salvation, but know nothing of the Gospel Jesus and the disciples preached (one of Repentance and the Kingdom), one which has discipleship (becoming like their rabbi: Jesus) at the core. They may have walked the aisle, said the sinners’ prayer and even been baptized into the church. But now look around and tell me how many actual disciples we see.

Restoring the Gospel

For many the Gospel message — the Good News — can be boiled down to “salvation by grace through faith.” For others, it is “justification through faith.” For still others it is “Jesus’s death, burial and resurrection.” It is at the very heart of Christianity and is the driving force behind all evangelism and outreach efforts. But no matter the semantics, the Good News is generally agreed upon as somehow dealing with personal salvation. But what if personal salvation was only part of the Gospel message? What if the Gospel message was bigger than me and my needs?

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